Links for Home Bakers

Nick Malgieri is a great baker, teacher and cookbook author.  Check out his site for baking tips, recipes and videos.

A friend to bakers everywhere, Greg Patent travelled the country collecting traditional ethnic recipes for his latest book A Baker’s Odyssey.

Passionate about Eastern European Food, Barbara Rolek explores babka, kolachi and other treats from Hungary and Poland to Slovenia and Ukraine.

Nearly native  after 7 years scouring the food ways of Paris, David Lebovitz is an internationally renown pastry chef and cookbook author.  His blog is full of fabulous recipes for everything from artisan chocolate to ice cream and Chez Panisse’s almond cake, written with a humor and his tart wit.

When you are ready to make the leap into the professional pastry kitchen, visit the French Pastry School.  There you can study with some of the finest pastry chefs working in the world today.  What we wouldn’t give to participate in one of their special courses with Pierre Herme, Paco Torreblanca, Oriol Balaguer or any of the talented chefs working at this Chicago school.

One response to “Links for Home Bakers

  1. Hello, how would I be able to access your other recipes not found in your archives (ex. Hazelnut paste chocolate chip cookies, or the Chocolate Hazelnut Paste Brownies)? They were available on your past website before this new updated one. Thank you.

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